Simply put purpose gives us a reason to wake up in the morning and contributes to living a life of fulfillment. When people find their purpose it often becomes a life changing decision for them. They can no longer take things for granted and shirk responsibility. It spurs them to become accountable for their actions and solidifies their integrity. At the beginning of every year we receive a reminder gift to revisit our sense of purpose. But why is purpose so important? Why could it be a life changing decision for us? Here are 10 reasons to help us understand why. 1. Purpose contributes to a life based on our values, and this is a bit of a conundrum because our values often guide our purpose. You see our purpose tells us why we do what it is that we do, and our values guide us as we carry out that purpose. 2. Purpose stimulates our passion towards fulfilling our goals. It spurs us, goads and pushes us to get things done because we just want to get it done, It’s part of who we are and what excites and motivates us. 3. Purpose helps bring focus to our lives. Without purpose we find we chase every new thing that comes along, thinking that the next best thing is what will fill the void in our lives. But it doesn’t, our purpose does though. 4. Purpose brings clarity to our life. And with clarity we know what to keep and what to let go – and in many ways it allows us to live more simply. 5. Purpose brings meaning and direction to our life because anything we do around our personal purpose has meaning for us. Rather than living a random existence, purpose allows us to zero in on what we hold dear at our deepest level and gives credence to respecting ourselves and others. It is bound up with what we believe as being true and reflects our spiritual core towards others. And that inner core is on fire with love and that love drives us to care for ourselves so that we can care for others. 6. Purpose brings us a sense of gratification whether it is through our work or our personal activities. Simply put when we seek a life of purpose, especially when it is packaged with serving others, we get a sense of gratitude and self-fulfillment. 7. Purpose ensures that we live our lives according to what we think it should be rather than what someone thinks our purpose we should be. When we know our purpose, we also know who we are and we understand our ‘why’ – our reason for living. This ensures we live a life that is based on personal integrity and wholesomeness. 8. Purpose brings more structure to our lives as it can drive our decisions, choices, and the actions we take. If something doesn’t fit within our stated purpose we know what discard, and more importantly we know what is the best choice and action we should take. 9. Purpose can offer a fulfilling life, which in turn strengthens our self-worth. When we have self-worth we can extend ourselves to others with purpose. Tom Krause once said, "Your purpose in life is to use your gifts and talents to help other people. Your journey in life teaches you how to do that." 10. Finally, Living with purpose promotes joy. Imagine if you got up every morning to a day that you dread. Maybe you hate your job or whatever it is you do all day. If this was you it would mean that your daily activities don’t align with your sense of purpose. It also means that you are unlikely to be true to yourself or the values that you hold. But if you decided to design your day around your purpose, you would no doubt greet the day with new and exciting vigor. This doesn’t mean that everything is always rosy or that we won’t meet challenges along the way. What it does mean is that when we approach life with an overall purposeful mindset and when purpose is given to goodness it gives us a sense of joy. As always folks keep safe, be well and continue becoming the best version of yourself. Richard Fontanie