One of the real problems we have when we work from home is how to deal with all the information at our disposal. Being connected 24/7 causes information overload. Here’s the deal whenever we try to improve what we do or learn something new we turn to researching the topic. While we generally think that the information that is only a push-button away is a good thing it does cause confusion for us; too much information impacts our health, causes us to lose focus and distracts us from our goals. To keep you from being overwhelmed from all the information out there here are 5 ways to help you prevent information overload. 1. Know When To Stop Researching Whether it is researching for developing a product, searching for images that will enhance your article or e-Book, reading material for your copy, or surfing the net for anything remotely close to what it is you are trying to develop, it is quite easy to get caught up in gathering too much information. Information is for one purpose and that is for us to take action. Too much information often freezes us from taking action. And therein lies the rub. When we are beginning to feel overwhelmed by all the information it is time to break away from researching material. It’s now time to take a few days off from researching and let the information gel in your mind. The old adage “sleep on it” applies here. In essence we need to ‘detox’ and regain our energy. 2. Know When To Take Action When we have too much information we often procrastinate. We put off taking action. This is one of the worst things we can do. Whether we think we have enough information or not, it is best to start your copy, or whatever you are working on. The whole point here is we usually research and gather information to do something. So take action. Just by starting on your action plan relieves your mental pressure. It takes the weight off of your shoulders, so to speak. When we start the ‘doing part’ we become motivated. We strengthen our confidence because we begin to see results. We can always go back to gathering more information when we come to a ‘blank’ or when we feel blocked or run into a problem we don’t know how to solve. Following this tactic allows us to gather the information we need yet keeps us moving ahead. 3. Find Trustworthy Sources Certainly, we find that there is a lot of information out there. Some of it is poorly constructed and poorly sourced. We can overcome this by selecting sources that we trust and then rely on them for most of our information. So what should we consider as trustworthy sources? Here are a few clues:
4. Be Wary of Internet Forums Use forums and message boards sparingly. Make sure the forums are carefully moderated and showing clear and straight forward answers to your inquiry. The other day I was looking up something regarding an issue I had with my ‘Outlook’ app and searched the internet for an answer. One forum that recommended a solution was so confusing and disjointed that it gave me a serious headache. Not really but you get the point. The problem was easily resolved by another forum that gave me clear instructions to follow and the problem was resolved by a few clicks. Needless to say, I will bypass the former forum and go back to the latter one. And that leads to this consideration: When you have found a trustworthy forum or message board bookmark it as your trusted source. 5. Take Time To Breathe The internet has become both a blessing and a curse. It provides us with information at our fingertips. Yet, it does cause information overload so be careful in how you use it. The internet is here to stay. We will not get rid of it, will it away or destroy it – although there are negative naysayers, scammers, poisonous viruses that cause damage to our processes and systems that give us heartache. These things are part of our internet reality and we need to find ways to deal with them such as using antivirus programs and pressing the delete button when necessary. The point is the internet is here to stay and we have to watch how we use it and not let it abuse us. So take a breather once and awhile. Eat right. Sleep right. Exercise right. Meditate. Take the time to breakaway from the virtual world and rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul. Hope this helps you. Thanks for Reading and Take Care Out There, Richard Fontanie.
COVID-19 has reshaped the entire way we now work. The office cubicle, coffee time with colleague and team meetings on round tables have become the things of past. Most organizations have already taken 'work-from-home' measures and established 'work-from-home' as their response to social distancing. Unfortunately, there’s no shortage of distraction when working from home and some days those distractions test us and hamper the entire work flow. With a clear plan and dedication, you can stay away from those distractions and enjoy productive work when you're working from home. Here’s how: Stick to your regular schedule: We often are tempted to sleep in or do some household work before starting the work day. That can end up being harder for you to approach your work with the right attitude. So start your work in the same way or with the same mindset that you would if you were going into the office. Keeping a familiar schedule or routine always helps you focus more on your work and maintain the right work-life balance. Enable Do Not Disturb Mode: If you live with a family or a roommate, you need to set aside time when you will be able to concentrate on your work without being disturbed. Let your roommate and family member know when you want to remain 'in do not disturb mode' and when you are available for them. This way you will be able to set a disciplinary boundary for yourself. You can use a visual aid, especially for your children. You can use a red and green sign. Red for "Do Not Disturb" and green for when you are 'Available'. Put Yourself in Work Attire: You don’t need to wear fancy jeans or formal dress. But, you do need to change your pajamas. Get dressed in something that you feel comfortable but not what you would wear when you want to hit the bed. You can wear a comfortable t-shirt and track-pant as an alternative to a formal dress code. This may seem as small thing but it can bring you out of your comfortable zone and put you in work mode . If you still find yourself distracted, you should then put yourself in your normal work clothes. It gives your mind a signal that it’s time to get to work. By the way if you want to wear your pajamas all day, do it on a holiday, I find it is a great break from the norm. Plan Your Meals Ahead of Time: Don’t let your meal time be your distraction. It takes time to figure out what you want to eat and then it takes time to prepare the meal. If you prepare everything ahead of time, including your snacks, you will definitely not lose anytime or get distracted from the work. Make your snacks in advance so that you can grab them and continue on with your work or use the time to complete priority chores, take a walk-break, or a needed break. Turn-off Your Phone Notification: Enabling silence mode is not enough as you still can see the notifications pop ups in your phone. Disable social media notification and anything that is not related to your work or assignment. This will help you avoid the temptation of picking up your phone. If you don’t require your phone for your work purpose, you can keep it in silent mode. While your at it, turn off notifications for your e-mails. The message here is to answer your phone and emails at scheduled times rather than responding immediately. Thank you for reading, Richard Fontanie P.S. To understand some of the causes and cures of stress when working from home you may want to consider this resource. |
December 2024