They say that Hope is the one thing that is stronger than FEAR. With everything that goes on in our life, we can safely say that life is TOUGH. And to be tougher than life itself, one needs to garner the power of HOPE in order to push through the difficult times we experience.
Dale Archer M.D. in Psychology Today said, “If I could find a way to package and dispense hope. I would have a pill more powerful than any antidepressant on the market. Hope, is often the only thing between man and the abyss. As long as a patient, individual or victim has hope, they can recover from anything and everything.”
Without HOPE people find themselves at the brink of failure and give up on their dreams.
Hope is defined as a BELIEF (not a wish) that things will get better.
People without hope:
- are frustrated when they don’t see results.
- face too many disappointments, heartbreak, setbacks, and give into an attitude of pessimistic failure.
- give into fear of making a mistake rather than viewing mistakes as steppingstones to success.
- often do not have a vision, or if they do they are easily distracted from it
Losing hope signals that one is about to give up. And giving up kills dreams, reduces motivation, and the damages the belief in the ability to achieve goals. For instance:
Research shows:
- 43% of people expect to give up their new year’s resolution by February each year.
- 20% of small businesses fail in their first year. 30% fail in their second year; and whopping 50% fail after five years.
- Now there are other factors why businesses fail, such as lack of training, economic downturn, catastrophes caused by climate, strong competitive forces, not keeping up with the advances of on-line marketing and selling. All these things, however, could cause one to lose hope and giving up on a dream once intended.
- Less than 10% of Internet Marketers reach their goal of establishing an Internet Marketing business.
People want to see their dreams and goals turn into reality, but the thing is that for most it remains but a dream. Often they rarely cope with the actual pressures they are faced with. Now it seems that many people of giving up on their dreams and goals faster than ever before because they seek instant gratification.
It need not be like this!! People do have the ability to take back control of their life and achieve the success they dreamed of…HOPE’S POWER – Renewing Your Strength’ will nurture a sense of hope within you.
Rather than giving up on your ‘Dream” and not living your true potential by not going all out to pursue what really matters to you, We have put together an eBook that I believe will reinforce a sense of HOPE, CONFIDENCE, AND MEANING and in the process strengthen your WELL-BEING
Why this eBook? Because our experience tells us that most people believe that their personal growth and development matters. Do you fit within this group of people? Here are the articles covered in Hope's Power. (69 pages, 19,204 words)Hope And Your Mindset
- Developing A Hope Mindset
- Become the Source Of Your Hope
- Become A Prisoner of Hope
- Hope Helps You release Your Dreams
- Have Hope When You Are Struggling
- Hope Lets Disappointment Fade
- Hold Onto Hope During Downtimes
- Hope Keeps Your Life Primed
- When Anchored To Hope Worries Recede
- Hope Shatters The Doubters
- Fight For Better Possibilities
- Surround Yourself With Positive Energy
- Give Hope A Chance To Shine
- Keep Your enthusiasm Burning Bright
- Hope Compels Us to Move Forward
- Triumph Is Closer Than You Think
Read “Hope’s Power” and
- Lift up a sense of joy with a renewed purpose in life
- Become conscious of your issues and the possible source of your problems
- Once aware of your situation apply the effective solutions the materials provide.
- Do away with your current beliefs and experience a renewed sense of hope
- Experience personal relief and share that relief with your loved ones
- Apply the materials found in this eBook and up-lift your confidence and self-esteem.
- Action the right habits outlined and unlock your full potential.
- Stop spending thousands of dollars on consultations and medications for quick fix solutions. Open the door to an effective but simple solution with “Hope’s Power.”
A Peek into Hope's Power
Welcome to the “Hope’s Power” a series of articles that provide you with a renewed mindset filled with hope. And, if you are already a hopeful person may these articles strengthen you as you journey through life.
It is heard that hope is not a strategy, but without hope we wouldn’t pursue a strategy. In fact we wouldn’t move forward or take action. Why? Because the future is predicated on hope. You will find in these writings that hope is a concept that first manifests itself in the mind before we see it physically in the outside world. It propels us to be optimistic people and to look for the good in what we do and how we relate with others.
We all live a life of ups and downs, that is just the way life is. It is hope that gets us out of the doldrums and to search for something better. It motivates, encourages, and contributes to our overall wellbeing. It embraces our purpose and inspires us to act on it. It is built on the faith that things, no matter the devastation, can and will be better.
Hope reminds us not to give up. One prospector who mines for diamonds and is inches away from the prize gives up. The other continues to dig and breaks through to the prize. The first gives up in despair or a sense of defeat, the other continually driven by hope, reaches his destination.
Sometimes we are in a dark tunnel where we become mentally exhausted and give up. Perhaps if you are in this state of mind these readings will give you reason to hope. Maybe you are financially strapped or suffering from an illness that drains your energy and by reading one of the articles you will be inspired to take a different course. That’s the power of hope.
“Hope opens new horizons, making us capable of dreaming what is not even imaginable. This hope invites us to enter the darkness of an uncertain future and to walk through and into the light. It is beautiful, the virtue of hope, it gives us great strength to walk in life.” Pope Francis.
There is no need to read this book from front to back. It is structured in such a way that you can read any article you wish at any time. May your days be filled with Hope’s Power.
Hope and Your Mindset
Hope isn’t unrealistic or even wishful thinking. Instead, it’s a mindset that embraces the possibility of positive change. Carol Baker
Hope drives people to do great things in life, some arising from devastating news about their health, facing financial ruin, experiencing catastrophic disaster because of a fire, tornado, or earthquake.
Terry Fox loved sports and competition and was always determined to finish what he started. At a young age he developed cancer and lost his leg. He had a dream to run across Canada to raise money for cancer research. He set out on a course to do that. He trained daily on one strong leg and a prosthetic limb. People watched as he hip-hopped across the country. Terry didn’t complete the run. He managed to make it two-thirds of the way before cancer struck again. But his hope-filled dream didn’t die. He was known to say “Even if I don’t finish, we need others to continue. It’s got to keep going.” Terry eventually succumbed to cancer, but because of his inspiration, his dream lives on and every year there are Terry Fox Runs across the world, raising millions of dollars for cancer research.
History is replete with the hope of people rising from the ashes of devastation. Earthquakes ravished the cities of Lisbon (1755), Arica (1868) San Francisco (1915), Mexico City (1985) wars destroyed the cities of Hiroshima, Berlin, Tokyo, and Dresden (1940-1945); A tsunami flattened Banda Aceh (2004); fires burned down over 3 square miles of Chicago urbanscape (1871); small towns and villages have been engulfed with flames such as Slave Lake and Fort McMurray Alberta. A common theme regarding all these examples is the resilience of people who have rebuilt their cities, towns, and villages. Hope triumphed over defeat and devastation.
A specialist diagnosed Chew Chor Meng (look up well known) with a motor neuron condition called Kennedy’s Disease in 2008. The news came as a blow to him and his wife, Deon Tan, with whom he had two young daughters. The first specialist they saw offered his services based on their shared religion and discovered that Meng had a rare form of spinal muscular atrophy. Upon his recommendation, Meng and his wife sought a second opinion. The diagnosis was the same, with the devastating news that Meng had about 18-24 months to live. This was awfully hard for the couple, considering that Meng was an actor who needed his motor skills to earn a living. It was sheer hope and faith that kept the family going. A third doctor examined Meng’s condition sometime later and announced that the muscular degeneration was progressive. This meant that Meng had a chance at survival beyond the 24 months. Twelve years later, Meng is not only alive, but he has retained most of his motor skills, although he is very slow in carrying out some tasks. Meng’s story is one of hope and faith that saw him surpass the expectations that others had of him, living twelve years longer than medicine had dictated for him.
We all encounter moments where things disintegrate at the snap of a finger. You could be happy and flourishing today and encounter loss, sickness, or tragedy tomorrow. There are many upheavals that can sneak up on us, leaving us in a state of despair and defeat. This is where hope comes in.
What is hope?
Now hope for what you see is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.
To hope is to desire something with confident expectation. Things do not always go the way we plan. Hope keeps us believing things will turn out great regardless of the circumstances in which we find ourselves. We find hope amid adverse conditions because we understand the power of trusting that things will work out for our good. All we need is an unshakable belief that things will get better and that the adversity we face will not last forever.
Hope feeds our psyche to overcome obstacles or go after our goals and dreams. It is an active ingredient we need to adapt to change, especially in the wake of unpleasant events. Hope is the belief that something good will come our way, regardless of the bad that surrounds us. It is hope which compels us to survive when we would rather give in to defeat.
Hope is the solid foundation upon which we can rebuild ourselves after life knocks us down. There is no description to match the mental and emotional condition you can find yourself in when you go through traumatic seasons in your life. It is in this moment that hope comes in and changes our outlook. Instead of accepting defeat and wallowing in self-pity, hope helps us gather the broken pieces so we can start rebuilding our lives. This can only happen when we replace the victim mindset with a hope mindset.
The hope mindset.
A hope mindset is optimistic in the face of setbacks. It believes things will get better. People with a hope mindset believe that they can get out of any tough period in their lives, no matter how difficult. Hope believes we can emerge from the traumatic experiences we encounter, scarred but very much alive.
When we have a physical wound, as a result of an operation for instance, the scar is a reminder of the wound; when we have a mental or emotional wound the scar doesn’t go away either. Underneath the scar healing takes place but the scar remains to remind us of what transpired and that we still must continue to work to prevent whatever caused the wound in the first place. Hope drives the healing and preventative process.
A hope mindset does not focus on the negative or amplify it. It finds a way out.
The power of hope.
When we hope, we believe in our ability to win the battle .......