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13,820 Words, 42 Pages
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This eBook is jamb packed with over 100 ways to become the Best Version of Yourself. A very popular book on personal growth and development with 11 Chapters of sought after topics.
In our current world, authenticity feels rare. Being your most authentic self can be complex, especially with all the influences of the internet. Learning to be your most genuine self is vital when building meaningful relationships with others. In order to be your most authentic self, your words and actions need to be in alignment with your core values.
Table of Contents
- Become Your True Self
- Be Forthright
- Develop Inner Peace
- Strengthen Your Self-Esteem
- Increase Your Self-Respect
- Don't Let Others Beat You Down
- Develop a Growth Mindset
- Gain Self-Control
- Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
- Stop Being Angry With Yourself
Nurture Your Spirit
Sample Reading
Instead of putting on a mask and portraying who you think you should be rather than who you know you really are, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. Being self-aware and accepting who you are can take you so much further in life than wearing a mask. Here are ten ways to help you take off your mask and be your most genuine self.
Examine Your Belief System
A lot of people grow up being taught what their beliefs and values should be by their family members. It can be good to examine your current beliefs and determine whether they are in alignment with who you really are or if they’re beliefs that you were adopted early on in life.
If you behave in ways that feel out of alignment with your core values, it could be from periods in early life where you had to stop being your genuine self and put on a mask in order to please others.
They say that your eyes are the windows to your soul where your true self resides. From time to time take a hard look in a mirror and peer into your eyes. What do you see? For many people this exercise scares them because they don’t like what they see and they then have a choice to make. Either they continue to live with their mask or they choose to remove the mask and become their genuine self.
Identify Discrepancies
Try to become more self-aware so you can identify discrepancies between the way you act and what you believe. When you become more aware of the things you say and do, you can think back on why you behave this way and whether you really believe what you say or if it was something taught to you that you never unlearned. If you figure out what you do that is out of alignment with your values, you can start to work on them and improve yourself.
Sometimes we need to take a break and sit in a quiet spot to hear what is going on inside ourselves. Listen to your inner voice and realign your values with what you actually do.
Define Core Values
Living your best life in the most authentic way you can, starts with knowing your values. Sometimes we are so disconnected from ourselves we don’t have any idea of what our true values are. To do this, you can make a list of what you value most some examples are:
- Kindness
- Loyalty
- Optimism
- Knowledge
- Integrity
Take some time during a week-end and write out, not only words but more importantly what they mean to you. This way you will have context for the values. Review everything you have written and then prioritize them and pick out 5 to 10 that you most value. Once you have your list incorporate them into your life.
Face Your Fears
Fear is one of the biggest reasons people don’t live authentically. Fear of rejection, judgment, and embarrassment are all reasons people tend not to be their most genuine selves. When exploring your values and trying to live more in alignment with them, it can be scary and off-putting, but it’s important to face those fears and push past them.
Now there are many positive things to say about fear. Fear keeps us from making silly mistakes, spending money foolishly, and taking unnecessary risks. When danger faces us we rightly react instinctively with a “freeze, flight or fight” response. But when fear stops us from going forward when we should be going forward, or running away from something we shouldn’t, or being overly anxious about something that is trivial, then it’s time to take a hard look at how hear holds us hostage. If you are experiencing these later types of situations then consider these 8 questions:
1. Why am I afraid?
2. When did my ‘fear thing’ begin?
3. What does fear make me do?
4. How does it make me feel?
5. How do I keep nurturing it?
6. How do I react to it physically?
7. How does it affect my decisions?
8. How does it affect my confidence?
Now that you understand the nature of your fear, answer these four questions to begin moving forward.
Do I need someone to help me work through my?
What strategies can I use to reduce my physical and emotional reaction to fear?
What is the worst thing that can happen to me if I decide to be unafraid?
When will I take the first step to overcome my fear?
Change Your Habits
When you become more self-aware, and you observe yourself doing or saying something that doesn’t represent who you truly are, work on changing or letting go of these habits. It can help to write out the negative things and then throw them away. Almost like a ritual, but it can be uplifting and help on your path to becoming your genuine self.
The good news is that we can change habits. Since habits are learned, the can be unlearned and replace with more appropriate and healthier ones. Sometimes our habits are well wired into our psyche and behavior and they are hard to change.
Here is a four step process if you wish to change your behaviors:
1. Clearly identify the habit you wish to change
2. Examine it fully
3. Prepare a new approach
4. Commit to action
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